Tyranid Tervigon

Tervigon Facing off A side view A little of the top

The newest painted addition to the army is a tervigon, the second monstrous creature I've got completed, a successful testing ground for some changes in my painting technique, and a great looking model. This one actually was one of my faster completion times at just about a month (yikes), but there was more than a week of no progress made during that month, and plenty of days spent just sitting on my desk.

I'm starting to take advantage of drybrushing in my painting, and the start is the top stage highlight for the skin and the first highlight of the armor plates. Drybrushing the skin highlight came first, before painting the termagant gun or any armor plates, and both was faster and showed more detail than my previous highlighting layer done towards the end of the process previously. I think the layer is a little heavy (too bright), but after a wash and against the bright armor highlights, I think it worked out pretty well anyways. A little drybrushing on the chimneys and the top armor plates helped bring out the contours of the model better and blend the highlights of the those areas more smoothly. I don't think this one is as universal - I didn't drybrush the leg armor plates and don't expect to do it a lot on future models, but for plates with more elaborate inner texturing, it helps a lot.

Next up is some termagants, which are already several days in when this page goes up. I'm working on some with devourers so that I can do a direct comparison of the very first models painted from when I came up with this style (a decade ago, there was a long no-40k break during college), and now, when it's been refined a few times and has become pretty consistent in look.


July 7, 2015


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